Exploring the Latino Labor Migration in Massachusetts

MA has witnessed a significant population growth of Latinos, with an percent change increase of 44.4% from 2010 to 2022.

But, why is this? 🤔

This is because Latinos recognized better work opportunities and environment to strive for success.

Here is a map visualization of MA, showing the Latino population in each county.

We can also see that there is a great percent increase in immigrants coming into MA, from 1990 to 2022.

And 40.9% of those immigrants correspond to those born in Latin America, as of 2022.

And, from the top 10 countries that immigrate into MA,
Dominican Republic, Haiti, El Salvador, Colombia, and Brazil are mentioned.

In terms of workforce, over 63% of Latinos work in blue collar occupations, construction, healthcare, agriculture, and many more.

It's important to recognize the influence of Latinos in the state of MA. There are more foreign-born and U.S.-born Latinos in recent years, and the population is expected to continue growing, as well as educational attainment, success in STEM-related fields, healthcare, and many more important areas. It's important to recognize that MA is advancing rapidly, and Boston is a living testimony of that growth, as it has become more culturally diverse.
